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Street Coordinators Create Community Culture

In an age where digital interactions often eclipse face-to-face connections, the role of neighbourhood support street coordinators becomes increasingly vital. These community champions are not only the glue that holds neighbourhoods together but also the driving force behind fostering a sense of unity and support. Through their efforts, they create environments where people look out for one another, fostering both security and camaraderie. Here are a few stories that highlight the incredible impact these coordinators have on their communities. 

The Careful Watch of Liz Thompson*(name changed) 

Liz Thompson*, a street coordinator in Cambridge, exemplifies the spirit of neighbourhood support. Every morning at 11 AM, Liz takes her daily walk around the block. This routine, however, is not just for her health; it also serves a critical purpose for her elderly neighbour, Mr. Harold Jones*. 

Mr. Jones*, an 82-year-old widower, has a ritual of raising his window blind before 11am, signalling that he is up and well. Liz coordinated this simple yet effective safety check with him after a particularly harsh winter when concerns about his well-being grew. This daily signal has become a reassuring routine for both of them.  

Liz’s morning walk extends beyond her interaction with Mr. Jones. She greets everyone she passes, introducing herself to newcomers and making sure no one feels like a stranger. 


The Vibrant Gatherings Organized by Jan 

In another part of the town, Jan, a dynamic and enthusiastic street coordinator, is known for her ability to bring people together.  Every springtime, Jan orchestrates a neighbourhood meet-and-greet coffee event that is a major success. 

With meticulous planning and an infectious energy, Jan invites over 50 residents to the local green area for a casual coffee morning under the blossoms. What started as a simple idea quickly blossomed into a lively gathering, complete with homemade treats, and a playlist of upbeat tunes. The green is filled with laughter, conversations, and the sounds of children playing. 

Jan’s event is more than just a social gathering; it is a catalyst for deeper connections. Neighbours who had only exchanged brief nods before now discuss their hobbies, exchange phone numbers, and plan future get-togethers.  


What do successful Street Coordinators do? 

  • Work with other friendly neighbours to help make connections happen. 

  • May use Facebook or other social media to stay in touch.  (Beware of excluding those not using this media!) 

  • Routinely pop over and welcome new neighbours 

  • Receive and distribute Police or Civil Defence alerts 

  • Keep connecting simple, so that it happens – i.e. chat while lawn mowing, coffee at a local café 

  • Ask the Cambridge Neighbourhood Support Team for help with flyers, creative ideas etc 

  • Update neighbourhood contact details from time to time 

  • Try to connect neighbours face to face as often as they feel able to. 


Lessons from the Coordinators 

1. Consistency is Key: Liz’s daily walks and Mr. Jones’s blind routine demonstrate how small, consistent actions can build trust and ensure safety. 

2. Inclusivity and Warmth: Jan’s ability to welcome and engage 50 neighbours shows the power of inclusivity and enthusiasm in building a connected community. 

3. Catalysts for Change: Both Liz and Jan act as catalysts, inspiring others to contribute to the community in their own ways, thus multiplying the impact of their efforts. 


Creating a Network of Care 

The stories of Liz and Jan illustrate the broader impact of street coordinators. Their efforts go beyond individual actions; they create a network of care and support that strengthens the entire community. These coordinators are often unsung heroes, working quietly yet effectively to ensure everyone feels included and cared for. 


Cambridge Neighbourhood Support Street Coordinators like Liz and Jan play an essential role in fostering tight-knit, supportive communities. Their stories serve as reminders of the profound difference that one person can make. Whether through daily check-ins or organizing large gatherings, their efforts help create environments where neighbours not only coexist but thrive together. Through their dedication, they exemplify the true spirit of community. 

We encourage all residents to get involved, whether by becoming a coordinator, attending events, or simply reaching out to neighbours.  If you would like to live in a thriving, supportive and safe neighbourhood, contact us at Cambridge Neighbourhood Support for help to get started. 


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