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Love Cambridge with Safer Cambridge Trust!

Thinking of Moving??

Imagine living in a thriving and vibrant town where every shop front is filled with an interesting offer and many give their time generously to enhance community wellbeing.

This town is Cambridge.  Those who live here gradually come to know about the many business and community groups that work together to enrich the life lived in the town. 

Cambridge boasts a special Trust (Safer Cambridge Trust or SCT) that operates Cambridge Neighbourhood Support and Cambridge Community Patrol.  Cambridge Neighbourhood Support aims to connect and unite neighbourhoods, building “street villages” that work together to support one another every day and in times of crisis.  Cambridge Community Patrol acts as the eyes and ears of the local Police, patrolling the streets most nights, chasing off suspicious characters, discovering those wanted by Police, locking up businesses left open and even finding lost people in the dark.

This year many Cambridge neighbourhoods are creating their own Neighbourhood Emergency Plans, identifying skills and equipment needed in an emergency and those who would need help to evacuate.  Cambridge Neighbourhood Support uses its strong relationships with the Police, Civil Defence and Fire and Emergency to support and encourage these neighbourhoods. 

“People in our street wouldn’t hesitate to call out for help or to lend a hand if needed…because that’s what it’s all about isn’t it?”  (From a recent neighbourhood emergency planning meeting)

Over the years the Trust has run a range of programmes; having high school teenagers visit and assist elderly, a strong Covid response including a “Shopping Buddy” programme and regular community safety meetings.  The Cambridge Community Patrol has been commended and thanked by the local Police force. This year Cambridge Neighbourhood Support will launch a children’s citizenship programme.  The programme will encourage children to plan and undertake behaviours that show respect and support for their school and home communities. 

When you come to Cambridge you will soon notice the thriving business area, the pataka kai, the community gardens and wonderful trees, all there because of our generous businesses and community volunteers.  If you move here, don’t forget to contact Cambridge Neighbourhood Support when you arrive, so that we can help to connect you with your new neighbourhood!  We know you will love sharing Cambridge with us.  We are really looking forward to meeting you!

The Safer Cambridge Trust mission is to support and promote a positive culture that results in strong connections, safety, emergency preparedness and wellbeing for our community.  The Trust Neighbourhood Support and Community Patrol work is funded entirely by donation. 

If you would like to register with Neighbourhood Support, volunteer for the community patrol or contact the Trust you can reach us at  You can also visit our Facebook page  or website: .


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